Main Publications

Baccini, Leonardo and Thomas Sattler. 2024. "Austerity, Economic Vulnerability, and Populism." American Journal of Political Science. Online First.

Hübscher Evelyne, Thomas Sattler and Markus Wagner. 2024. “Voters and the IMF: Experimental Evidence from European Crisis Countries.Comparative Political Studies 57(11): 1870-1901.

Quinn, Dennis, Thomas Sattler and Stephen Weymouth. 2023. "Do Exchange Rates Influence Voting? Evidence from Elections and Survey Experiments in Democracies." International Organization 77(4): 789-823.

Hübscher, Evelyne, Thomas Sattler and Markus Wagner. 2023. "Does Austerity Cause Polarization?" British Journal of Political Science 53(4): 1170-1188.

Hübscher, Evelyne, Thomas Sattler and Zbigniew Truchlewski. 2023. "Three Worlds of Austerity: Voter Congruence over Fiscal Trade-Offs in Germany, Spain and the UK." Socio-Economic Review 21(2): 959–983.

Ferrara, Federico, Jörg Haas, Andrew Peterson, Thomas Sattler. 2022. “Exports vs. Investment: How Public Discourse Shapes Popular Support for External Imbalances.Socio-Economic Review  20(4): 1961-1989.

Hübscher, Evelyne, Thomas Sattler and Markus Wagner. 2021. "Voter Responses to Fiscal Austerity." British Journal of Political Science 51(4): 1751-1760.

Manger, Mark and Thomas Sattler. 2020. "The Origins of Persistent Current Account Imbalances in the Post-Bretton Woods Era." Comparative Political Studies 53(3-4): 631-664

Hübscher, Evelyne and Thomas Sattler. 2017. "Fiscal Consolidation under Electoral Risk." European Journal of Political Research 57(1):151-168

Bechtel, Michael and Thomas Sattler. 2015. “What is Litigation in the World Trade Organization Worth?International Organization 69(2): 375-403.

Sattler, Thomas, Gabriele Spilker and Thomas Bernauer. 2014. “Does WTO Dispute Settlement Enforce or Inform?British Journal of Political Science 44(4): 877–902.

Sattler, Thomas. 2013. “Do Markets Punish Left Governments?Journal of Politics 75(2): 343–356.

Sattler Thomas and Johannes Urpelainen. 2012. “Explaining Public Support for International Integration: How Do National Conditions and Treaty Characteristics Interact with Individual Beliefs?Journal of Politics 74(4): 1108 – 1124.

Sattler, Thomas and Thomas Bernauer. 2011. “Discrimination or Litigation? Dispute Initiation in the World Trade Organization.European Journal of Political Research 50(2): 143-176.

Sattler Thomas and Stefanie Walter. 2010. “Monetary Credibility vs. Voter Approval: Political Institutions and Exchange-Rate Stabilization during Crises.Economics & Politics 22(3): 392-418.

Sattler, Thomas, Patrick Brandt and John Freeman. 2010. “Democratic Accountability in Open Economies.Quarterly Journal of Political Science 5(1): 71-97.

Sattler, Thomas, John Freeman and Patrick Brandt. 2008. “Political Accountability and the Room to Maneuver: A Search for a Causal Chain.Comparative Political Studies 41(9): 1212-1238.

Winner of the Robert H. Durr Award for Best Paper Applying Quantitative Methods to a Substantive Problem in Political Science, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association 2007.

Sattler, Thomas and Stefanie Walter. 2008. “Wirtschaftspolitischer Handlungsspielraum im Zeitalter der Globalisierung: Eine Empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel von Währungskrisen.” Politische Vierteljahresschrift 49(3): 464-490.

Reprinted in the World Political Science Review 5. 2009. (“Globalization and Government Short-term Room to Maneuver in Economic Policy: An Empirical Analysis of Reactions to Currency Crises”).

Bernauer, Thomas and Thomas Sattler. 2006. “Sind WTO-Konflikte im Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutz eskalationsträchtiger als andere WTO-Konflikte?” Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 13(1): 1-25.

Reprinted in the Annuaire Français des Relations Internationales 6: 942-964. 2007. (“Les Litiges de L’OMC sur la Protection de l’Environnement et des Consommateurs”).

Book Chapters

Hübscher, Evelyne and Thomas Sattler. 2022. “Growth Models Under Austerity.” In: Lucio Baccaro, Mark Blyth and Jonas Pontussen (eds.) Diminishing Returns: The New Politics of Growth and Stagnation, Oxford University Press, chapter 15, p. 401-419. [Paper]

Schweinberger, Tanja and Thomas Sattler. 2023. "Trade as a Foreign Policy Issue: A Bilateral Micro Perspective." In: Gao, Henry, Damian Raess and Kao Zeng (eds.). China and the WTO: 20 Years On. Cambridge University Press, chapter 14, p. 333-359.

Other Publications

Hübscher, Evelyne and Thomas Sattler. 2021. "The Political Consequences of Fiscal Austerity." The Political Economist 16(3): 11-15 [Paper]

Ferrara, Federico Maria and Thomas Sattler. 2018. "The Political Economy of Financial Markets." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics: July. [Paper]

Thomas Sattler's Website